
Jindal Shadeed has been an ardent advocate and practitioner of sustainable development since its inception and is whole-heartedly committed to improving its sustainability performance and making a positive difference in the society. We aim to incorporate sustainability into our businesses by strengthening our economic, social, environmental, human and governance pillars and mitigating the impact of our operations.

We have recognised climate change as one of the most pressing problems that is being felt across the globe. We are striving hard to avoid and manage climate-related risks and reduce our carbon emissions. We have implemented some of the most innovative technologies and best practices at our plants to address the various environmental issues and reduce our overall carbon footprint.

Through our various initiatives, approaches and products, we are committed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We strive to build a strong and lasting relationship with our stakeholders, make investments to mitigate the effects that our operations have on the environment and incorporate transparency and accountability into our management policies and decisions.

At the heart of our sustainability strategy lies our valuable employees and their safety. We have placed the utmost importance for the safety and well-being of our people. We are committed to carry out all our operations free from workplace hazards and occupational illnesses. We strive hard to implement world-class Global OHS Safety Standards, which provide a central framework for unit-specific safety management manuals, systems and procedures for all our stakeholders and employees.

Embedding sustainability practices into our work, our people, the communities that we are a part of, in addition to our esteemed stakeholders would help us to carve out a sustainable path with defined actions and goals, that will contribute to a greener and cleaner future and a better living world.

Jindal Shadeed is one of the Greenest Steel Plant in the world. We have implemented Environmental Management System certified to the ISO 14000 standard. Our facilities are certified with UK CARES Sustainability Certificate, BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing Certificate and BRE Environmental Production Declaration (EPD) Certificate.

Performance & Measures


  • Hot charging of HDRI in Steel Melt Shop by Hotlink.
  • Flue Gas generated in Reformer is used in heat recovery system to pre heat different gases and air in the DRI plant.
  • Addition of super heat NG in process gas compressor suction


  • Hot DRI to Steel Melt Shop via gravity feeding at temperature > 600 deg C.
  • Increase Hot DRI storage capacity from 240 ton (1 bin) to 600 ton ( total 3 bins till 2020).
  • Installation of 4th Bin for Hot DRI –smaller buffer vessel to increase hot DRI further > 630 deg C.
  • Side wall injection of oxygen in Electric arc furnace to reduce electrical power
  • State of the art electrode regulation system, to maximize power factor of transformer
  • Foamy slag practice by injecting carbon from side walls.
  • Both caster facilities having arrangement of direct Hot charging to rolling mill for saving Natural Gas.


  • Temperature is maintained with Level -2 automation
  • Oxygen level monitoring to optimize the air fuel ration

Measures taken in DRI,SMS and SRM

  • Energy Monitoring and management system
  • Use of Static Var Compensator (SVC) for Power Factor Improvement
  • Cut off power to idle equipment during shut down
  • Use of VVVF (Variable Voltage Variable Frequency) drives
  • Installation of Energy Saving equipment/drive
  • Energy Efficient Air Conditioning systems
  • Proposed project for use of Hydrogen in the DRI plant
  • Proposed project for use of LNG in vehicles
  • AI and Machine Learning Technologies for automatic and dynamic process control system for EAF based on off gas analysis
  • Carbon capture and storage for net zero target (2050) subject to feasibility studies

