About Round Billets

Continuously Cast Round Billets are used to produce seamless pipes used for industrial applications that require transportation of steam, water, gas and air under high pressure in the sectors like energy, petrochemical, automotive industries, steel, cement etc. or in machinery manufacturing

Round Billets can be supplied meeting specific requirement of customer or as per any international standards like API, EN, ASTM etc.


Sr No Standard for Chemical Composition Application
1 API 5L Class A, B, C X42-X80 Seamless Line Pipes
2 API 5CT Seamless Corrosion resistant Pipes, Tubes and Casing
3 ASTM A53, ASTM A 106 Seamless Mechanical and Structural Tube and Pipes
4 EN 10210, EN 10216, EN 10208, EN 10297 Seamless Mechanical and Structural Tube and Pipes
5 EN 10216 Seamless Pipes for Boilers
%C %Mn %Al %Si %P %S %Ni N(PPM) 0(PPM)  H(PPM)
0.10-0.35 0.60-1.15 0.020-0.050 0.15-0.35 0.035 MAX 0.015 MAX 0.20 % MAX 70 MAX 35 MAX  4 MAX

* With permissible tramp elements

Size Range

200 MM 242 KG/METER 6-12 METER -0/+100 MM
220 MM 299 KG/METER 6-12 METER -0/+100 MM
280 MM 474 KG/METER 6-12 METER -0/+100 MM
350 MM 740 KG/METER 6-12 METER -0/+100 MM
406 MM 967 KG/METER 6-12 METER -0/+100 MM

We have the capability to produce and supply in the size range 180-406 mm though the common standardised sizes are only mentioned above.

1. Ovality ≤ 2%
2. Straightness Maximum 80 mm over entire length (12 meter) of single billet
3. End of Bars Bars will be delivered having the ends gas cut. The deviation from the perpendicular will not exceed 5 mm, measured from a normal plan to the external surface. Burrs on the edge after gas cut shall not exceed 25 mm width 5 mm height and 8 mm length.
4. Internal soundness The defects like cracks, pin holes, blow holes, flakes, pipes, axial porosity, sink
marks, cold drops etc. will be within acceptable range.